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Re: Secrets of Fripp

At 7:47 PM -0800 2/23/98, Michael P. Hughes, Ph.D. wrote:
>>>The point was that many of you are clearly influenced by Robert Fripp 
>>>admire him. Many others here never even heard of him before, as 
>shocking as
>>>that may sound. Some people are in between and have heard him a bit and
>>>might want to learn more about what he is doing with looping and why 
>>>people think so highly of him in that regard. Since this list is about
>>>looping, it would be really great if some of you RF experts could teach 
>>>rest of us about his looping techniques, looping conceptions, loop
>>>approaches, etc.
>You asked fer it....

I did, and I think I'll ask some more since we're almost getting somewhere

[snip a bunch of interesting fripp quotes]

>Does that help any?  ;)

Well, a bit. But let's push this a little further. How about analyzing,
critqueing, and explaining, in your own words, Fripp's looping technique?
In other words, not repeating what he has to say about it, and not just
pointing to a recording and saying "I like that," not just saying that he
uses four 2290's.  I mean, you actually dig into the looping aspects and
techniques, analyze and understand them, and teach us what you learn.

Think of the looping as an instrument in it's own right, and analyze the
way he uses it. Not the guitar playing, not the processing, not the
timbres, but the looping. Just like a good jazz instructor might teach
about Monk's piano playing. You would learn about the unique rhythm and
harmonic styles, the melodic choices, the logic underlying it all, what he
was trying to covey and how his particular style did that. Now, do
something like that with Fripp and his looping.

This is a competition, and you will be graded. Grades will be posted
publicly for the purposes of adoration and/or humiliation. The grading
standard will most likely be arbitrary and totally incomprehensible, just
like college. And to maintain strict anarchy, anybody may feel free to
grade anybody else. The best answer will win some dorky prize that I
haven't thought of yet. You have until Monday, so get crackin'!


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com