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Satch, er, on Fripp

> Just saw the following quote in the current _Guitar_ magazine cover
> story with Joe Satriani, regarding Fripp's presence on the G3 tour: 
> "When you sit down and you really let yourself in and you open your
> heart to Robert's performance, I guarantee it puts your spirit through a
> cathartic experience.  It's a music that draws things out of you that
> would never come out listening to any other kind of music...  

What he is doing on his guitar and with his gear is something that needs to
> covered in detail because it's something that nobody else is doing."

hmmm. how can one comment on  that - without starting up the fripp
bash/protection frenzy..??

satch is fantastic, i'm a weirdo who enjoyed ALL the acts on BOTH G3 tours,
yes, even fripp, but.... Satch, you need to maybe hear a whole bunch more
stuff, eclectic listener as you may be... 

andre E