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Re: ADA MIDI foot controller for Jamman (question on midi pgm. changes)

In a message dated 98-03-01 21:01:36 EST, you write:

<< Have a question for those that may know,  the jamman manual shows 
 change 1 to be tap for all modes.  I can get the recording to go when I 
 pgm. chg. 1 but hitting it the second time doesn't stop the recording for
 playback.  If I hit any of the others and then press 1 it will stop.  
 Shouldn't the tap function work like the analog unit?  TAP to record and 
 to playback.  
hello john,
i use two ada mc1 foot controllers.i midi merge the two so i don't have to
bank up to programs # 10 tru 19 to get to the jammans fade and loops 1 
thru 8
functions.i find you have to tap 1 to start the record function then press
anything other than 1 or 2 (lets say 3) then press 1 again to start your
loop.let me if this works out for you.
brian mckenzie