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AW: Love lorne loopers(was slagging)

Scott Bullerwell wrote,

>This whole "my wife listens exclusively to Ratt and/or John Tesh and
>doesn't understand me and is frightened by my music" thing is kind of

yeah, I agree. Very similar to the endless "why aren't there any female KC
fans" thread in Elephant Talk. My girl friend isn't very musical either,
but so what? We are multidimensional beings. Let's get back to talking
gear, ok? 

>I'm quite used to not finding ANYONE, male or female, musician or
>non-musician, who shares my taste for Happy Family and Djam Karet and
>obscure Bruford solo albums and rare PFM import vinyl and Glenn Branca

You'd find most of Bruford, PFM, and Glenn Branca in my record collection.
You are not alone!  =)

michael peters                mpeters@compuserve.com