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Fred Frith

Pete Koniuto wrote:
I've seen/heard Fred Frith's name pop up in numerous 
interesting contexts, but don't think i have ever
actually heard his music.

Can anyone here give me some idea of what he's done,
different developmental periods in his career,
contributions to looping, good recordings to start out
with, collaborator's, etc?<

Fred Frith has done all sorts of stuff, he's been around 
for quite a while, too. There was a good interview with 
him in the Wire recently (Jan. ?) and I think his most 
interesting current project is his Guitar Quartet. He's also
famous for being a founding member of Brit avant rockers 
Henry Cow and for playing bass in Naked City. However, 
the best way to get to know him is by seeing the film 
(Art-umentary) "Step Across the Border" which is based 
around him, his travels and his music. I personally found 
the file extremely inspiring and my girlfriend dug it, too. 
And heck, I've got children now (na ... OK jus' one) ...

C-C-C-C-C-C i a o


P.S. check out his site:    http://www.fredfrith.com/

P.P.S. I gave away the Frith/Kaiser/Etc. CD shortly after 
buying it - talk about flat jokes (Surfin' USA ?!?). One thing 
about Frith is that he has put out some rather dubious stuff
- sort of "the idea was really coll, but the recording 
didn't capture it". But then again there is some really 
awesome stuff like the Massacre CD w. B. Laswell and 
F. Maher.
