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Re: Future loop music (was: Love lorne whiners)

At 8:51 PM -0500 3/5/98, R & T Cummings wrote:
>Kim wrote:
>>Where is loop based music going? What directions will it be taking in the
>future? Not the gear, but the music itself! What compositional,
>improvisational, cultural, etc. directions are things heading in? Will it
>find more or less of a place in popular styles? Will it find more or less
>a place in 'high art' styles? What will it be? What might the loop
>innovators of tommorrow be doing? Remember, its a music question, not a
>Well, I guess as soon as we snobby middle-class frat boys realize that
>looping has ALREADY found a place in popular styles (hip-hop, techno,
>d'n'b, house, blues, african drumming),

hmmm, that sounds somehow familiar......;-)

>we'll be on to the next frontier of *smart boy*
>music. And you'd better believe that I'm waiting for sum otha boys to come
>'n' have a look at my rig ...  ;-)

ok, so what might these smart boys be doing in this next looping frontier?
Anyone want to hazard a guess? Conjecture a bit? Fortell our future? Where
do all these looping techniques and ideas go from here?


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com