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RE: Future loop music

Future o' Looping. 

I think that it's kinda hard to discuss this solely as MUSIC-particulary
because, as noted before in e-mails here, everyone has a slightly
different idea of what music actually consists of. Perhaps it's easier
to deal with the question as looking at potential different applications
of technology.

For ME this will probably break down into two (discrete?) areas.

1. LIve looping as one tool amongst many in freely improvised music
situations-both solo and in group situations. Possible loop
areas/textures (not necessarily "written") as springboards of  improvs
or half-written/half-improv pieces.
2. Looping that is somehow woven into "song" structures or other more
formally constructed pieces of music. Also including possible
editing/cutting&pasting, via computer software, of loops as basic
building blocks/sections of pieces. Almost like musique concrete, I

(Grey Area: I do some looping in the chorus sections of a friend's song
. . . but there are a lot of  free-improv tendencies in this band to
begin with.)

Optimally, it seems that the looping in these situations would be in
service to the music "at hand"-in other words "constructing" the loops
to fit either the "song" or the flow of the improvisation.

So much for my attempt at this question . . .