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Re: SV: contestant nr2: prog rock--is it homoerotic?

>>  Hi Stephen , you make a good point. A very good point. There where a 
>>of women involved in the imagery and the ongoings of a tour .  On the
>>other hand , I`m not saying
>>that ANY of the musician in question actually WERE gay. Maybe homoerotic
>>expression was used subconscously by the bands to GET the girls????
>Didn't anyone else notice Rob Halford's (Judas Priest vocalist) recent
>coming out in the press?

no, are you serious??? I've wondered about that for years! That's exactly
who I was thinking of through this whole stupid thread. He was doing the
leather and motorcycle thing long before it entered any of the cultural
mainstream....now, anybody remember Accept? "London Leatherboys" "Balls to
the Wall" etc.?   ok, nevermind, don't answer that. let's move on.....

>This is getting a long ways from the land of loops.

totally agree there.....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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