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Re: Kim's Musical "Anti-Spouse Forces Theorem"

I would be very interested to learn what you consider to be: 
       "RF Celtic Harp Music"!?! ;) sure you don't mean Robin
> From: Michael P. Hughes, Ph.D. <pycraft@elec.gla.ac.uk>
> To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
> Subject: Re: Kim's Musical "Anti-Spouse Forces Theorem"
> Date: 05 March 1998 17:49
> Todd:
> >The theory is this: anything with an ape-like, crusty, hairy,
> >gnarled barnacle on the rusty ship-prow aspect causes the fair
> >sex to go running out of the room.
> My wife seems to avoid my entire music collection, period.  However, I've
> picked up on various new musics by taking her to Celtic concerts.
> Especially when some Celtic harp music sounds more like RF than RF!!  :)
> But I'll admit that agreeing to take her to see Elton John and Billy Joel
> together is just to collect Brownie points.... 
> >Face it - some of the stuff that we like just makes people want
> >to be far away.
> I remember when alt.music.progressive wanted to change its name to
> encompass musicians like Phillip Glass.  Someone suggested
> alt.music.difficult.listening ....
> On a different subject, Jim Poppen advised us about:
> > Bill Frisell... Lopping Maniac
> Makes one worry about what kind of "axe" he's using....   :)
> Michael