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Re: A new question

Hey, I'm not naturally polemic, I was just at caffeination point...

I have to agree on the subject of DJing.  I am not knocking it, but in
deference to looping I'm willing to submit that DJing is more emotional
than technical, more creation of moods from other people's music, than
creating one's own.  
In coincidence of what you are speaking, I'm in beginning German, have a
couple friends there as
 well (Berlin), I also might be coming there in the summer.  I'm learning
this because of G. sound history and my degree at U.T. Austin of
communications sound production.
As for interrelating DJing and sampling I'd think that would be a strong
avenue, though in the U.S. as usual, the coasts will see it first, I cannot
see said intrigue being even underground here.  Could you list a few 
I think it could be a big market when cost-effective; often myself and
other "fronds" will think, if this song could add this or that sound it
would "kick skillet."  That's what we kick in the West, at least us.  

God Records huh?  As far a global understanding of record companies, I'm
limited to mainly far W. European labels, Japanese, Brazil, and American.
Relatively new Das Ich, Lacrimosa, Covenant, Aurora some darker stuff, also
E.N., Der Klang Der Familie, etc. techno, are what I listen to from there.
Hard to get?  

My situation currently forces me to play at houses, not frat, to about
200-300 people.  Austin does not have any club scene of note, though had I
written this 1 year ago, I could be quite content.  Inconsistency.  

A so-called Drum n' Bass club here plays crappy music when and before it
gets to D n B.  

Scratching is a big issue of itself, I can't disrespect it when it is used
well, but if it isn't tight or sounds too high in the mix, I tend to 

I use cds because of utility.  As for equipment, I rent different
amps/speakers packages and use an old Roland 4 track.  I also do not have
pitch bend, another blow, for lps or those with "dolls" enough to use cd
pitch shifters.  Have you seen/used the cd- spin tables?

So running below low-tech, I keep to that mood issue, but I work on
entrances and exits.  I streamline timing prior and decide on how songs
will tansfer, instead of synchronicity of the beat, I take music or
effects, crescendo, des., effects from cds, lps, as movement. Intermix's
song "Targeted" has a nice metallic scratch which suddenly goes into bass

I think all things have their points, and some Jungle justifies its bass
and hectic drums, some misused.
The warm dropping bass sounds, specific name?, of Jungle seem to have a
strong future. Roni Size, Grooverider Presents, Metalheadz Must Burn.
