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Re: loops and video? an UFOs ???


well at my last gig,,,i used a video loop as well,,,i recorded about 20
minutes of UFO footage (shot with home cameras,,,by normal ma & pa
types),,,this footage played silent ,,,while i made live music,,,,the video
looped 3 times..my intent was to take the audience's attention off of
me,,,and place it on the video monitor,,,and allow me to provide a canvas
of music and sound,,,it worked ok,,,but i might not try it again,,,i
already have too much equipment as it is (the geek factor)...

james"gradually going tornado" rhodes

At 11:18 PM 8/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
>  I did a project years ago which combined loop music with video, though 
>was never finished due to some extenuating circumstances, the concept and
>workingresult came off much better than we'd expected.  I think loops and
>video can work wonderfully together.  I've toyed with the idea for quite
>some time off putting together a performance which involved loop music,
>video or slides with dance and/or performance art.  I got this idea after
>opening for Jilly Smithe who did a wonderful spoken-word performance with
>slides and musical accompaniment.  I was really bothered that I couldn't
>move around or dance during some of the loops as I was "leashed" to my
>equiptment.  As far as the direction of looping is concerned, I think it
>may involve more combinations of musical styles which weren't previously
>put together as fusion has done.  I also see it branching out into other
>musical styles as well which it is already doing.  The instrumentation is
>also becomming more and more diverse, and I think this will only continue.
>Couple these ideas with multi-media and movement, and we really have a lot
>to look forward to...
>At 08:40 PM 3/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>buzzard wrote:
>>>Well... people have talked before about the
>>possibility of visual accompaniment for loops...
>>I've always been pretty down on the idea because
>>visual looping pretty much has to be static
>>(I think video feedback might be more analogous)...
>>but there _is_ an industry of visual "loops" [1]...
>>so if you really want we could connect this
>>topic back to looping I'm sure...<
>>Hey, our band sometimes plays with a video *scratcher* 
>>who mixes his stuff on top of our music. He works with 
>>pre-recorded cut-up videos and "blends" them together.
>>Anybody else doing this? Interestingly, people come up 
>>to us after the show saying that they understood 
>>all sorts of symbolic stuff etc. - none of which was intended.
>>It seems that *loopy* music fits really well with videos - I
>>hope that it has nothing to do with said auduence's 
>>substance abuse/ overuse. People just make their own 
>>associations between image and sound - fascinating.