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Re: A new question

At 10:38 AM -0500 3/8/98, R & T Cummings wrote:
>matthew hahn wrote:
>>I have to agree on the subject of DJing.  I am not knocking it, but in
>>deference to looping I'm willing to submit that DJing is more emotional
>>than technical, more creation of moods from other people's music, than
>>creating one's own.<
>I think the hybrid form of DJ-sampler-musician is really happening, too.

I agree. There have been rock groups around the SF bay area doing this
since the 80's, and of course hip-hop groups have always had dj's as much
more than just a guy playing records. You see it in a lot more mainstream
acts now, portishead, for example. The germs of the full-on real-time
looping idea are certainly there in the mainstream, just waiting for people
to take it to another level.

>I'm not a DJ-DJ, so I haven't had a chance to try out cd-scratching either
>- although I have seen the units around a lot. Anybody else? What looked
>interesting was a delay-based table-top looping unit from Vestax for DJ's 
>I bet you could create great transitions with that machine. Don't know
>anything about the sound quality though ...

Pioneer makes good cd decks. The have a cool scrubber sort of knob that
lets you speed up and slow down tracks in a real intuitive way for beat
matching. And they also have a built in loop function. It's very
rudimetary, it just lets you loop a section of a cd in a nice, quick
fashion, and that's all. You couldn't do much creatively with that, but
it's there. I know a guy using these to dj trip-hop and drum and bass and
seems to like it. Only problem is there's not a lot of material out on cd,
certainly nothing new. Probably you would want to burn your own cd's off
vinyl or dubplate.

Denon also makes CD products, including a "scratch" thing. It samples some
amount of audio off the cd on the fly, which you can loop and trigger. You
can also scratch it with this big knob on the front. I guess it works, but
I'm no expert on the subject. I suppose scratching for dj's is like tube
amps for guitarists. Most people only like the real thing.


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com