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Frisell/Power Tools and assorted discographies

Thomas W wondered:

> Power Tools?   I have heard mention of that before , but I have no idea 
> what it is. ne1??

Power Tools was the name of the `power trio' made up of Bill Frisell with 
Melvin Gibbs (electric bass) and Roland Shannon Jackson (drums). This 
line-up produced one album, `Strange Meeting', Antilles 1987.

For more about Bill:

Details of Bill's Nonesuch output can be found at the pages of Songline / 
Tone Field <http://www.songtone.com/Artists/Frisell/>

A discography with comments by Matt Wright (matt@cory.berkeley.edu) dated 
March 1993 is available at a number of sites including: 

Bill's ECM records are listed at 

And should you ever need to know how many different albums have featured 
Bill's tunes such as Rambler, When We Go, Strange Meeting or Monica Jane 
etc, then you'll want to scurry off to the Bill Frisell Song Finder at:
<http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/2495/bill_frz.htm> (the 
construction of which proves how much spare time I had last weekend).
