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Re: Setup Time for Loop Rig

I remembering seeing a pedal board with a hinged 3 space rack in a catalog 
the last few months. I't a lot of what you describe. I'd check the AMS and 
catalogs. Can't remember which one, and I can't find it now (I give my 
away pretty quickly sometimes - keeps me from making those late night 
while trying to satisfy the cravings of my gear monkey.)


Dave Trenkel wrote:

> >Travis reminded me of old ideas...
> >
> >>* Rack and fasten everything down.
> >>* Don't have loose, delicate crap (pedalboards without cases,
> >>footcontrollers rattling around loose, etc).  Everything should be in a
> >>robust case WITH GOOD HANDLES.
> >
> >In order to tidy up my system, I've been considering putting together a
> >pedlaboard with the JamMan _on_the_floor_, rather than in its present
> >position on top of the amp.  This would drastically cut down on trailing
> >wires,  and would make it easier to use a vol-pedal to control loop o/p
> >volume.  Since all my other FX are pedals, it seems to make sense.
> >
> >Is this as bad an idea as it seems to be at first glance?  Would it be 
> >if it were well protected?  Is the very thought of it enough to drive 
> >S. mad?
> >
> >Michael
> Hmmm, I've actually been thinking about something similar, a shallow 3
> space rack case angled slightly upwards built into a pedalboard, holding
> the JamMan, Peavey filter box and maybe another rack box. Most of the 
> of my effects are stomp boxes, and it'd be nice to build something that I
> could plug the bass into one end, the amp at the other, and be done with
> it.
> ________________________________________________________
> Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org  : www.peak.org/~improv/
> "...there will come a day when you won't have to use
> gasoline. You'd simply take a cassette and put it in
> your car, let it run. You'd have to have the proper
> type of music. Like you take two sticks, put 'em
> together, make fire. You take some notes and rub 'em
> together - dum, dum, dum, dum - fire, cosmic fire."
>                                             -Sun Ra
> ________________________________________________________