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New utility: LoopMetronome

Hello again. I'm not on the list at the moment (too many messages for 
comfort), but I thought you might like to know about a little freeware 
utility I've written that may come in handy.

It's called LoopMetronome (well?), and it shows you your position in a 
loop using a "bouncing ball", and lets you set up and divide up loops any 
way you like - e.g. 6 bars of 4/4, 2 bars of 7/8, and so on. I designed it 
for standard practice as well as for loopers. You can enter a time in 
seconds or tempo in BPM, and it does all the calculations required.

So, for example, you can set up your loop delay to 20 seconds, set 
LoopMetronome to divide the time into 5 bars of 7/4, enter 20 seconds as 
total time, and LoopMetronome sets up the tempo correctly (105 BPM). You 
can then follow your position in the loop on screen and layer sounds etc. 
as precisely as you want to.

I've put it on my web pages at 
http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/3242/loopmetronome.html. I'm 
afraid it's quite big - 600k, and if you don't have any other Visual Basic 
5 applications on your PC, you need to download another 1.2MB of "Visual 
Basic 5 Runtime" files from www.shareware.com (link on the page). 
(Microsoft gets part of the blame for that...)

If you try it, I'd appreciate any feedback you can supply...


Brian Thomson, London UK

"Knowledge of the spirit-world is to be obtained by divination; 
in natural science may be sought by inductive reasoning; the laws of the 
universe can be verified by mathematical calculation: but the dispositions 
of an enemy are ascertainable through spies and spies alone."
 -- from Mei Yao-ch`en's commentary on Sun Tzu's "Art Of War"