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RE: Phenomenon

I know what you mean.  In fact I'm almost glad of this phenomenon! 

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Woehni [SMTP:hovard@online.no]
        Sent:   Monday, March 23, 1998 6:43 PM
        To:     Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
        Subject:        Phenomenon

          Hi ,

        I have noticed a strange phenomenon that occurs after I have showed
        Jamman/Vortex setup to fellow guitarists:  They all LOVE it!!  They
go: "WOW! COOL
        WHERE D`YA GET THAT?".  But the  strange thing is: none of them 
makes any attempt to locate a looping device or check out the technology
behind it.  Its like they see me
        looping - think it`s cool- and classify me as an "experimental
guitarist" - forget about the
        whole thing - and goes back to practicing double-stops and

        Are we doing something that most people finds as a nice , but scary
and dangerous

        Yours , Thomas