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ProjeKct 2 :refund?

  Hi folks , just wanted to chip in my 2 dimes.

I noticed some of you weren`t happy with the shows. No offence , but:

I feel that when you go to a show with Robert Fripp and/or Belew , Bruford 
Levin  and all the ppl from THAT camp you know what to expect: anything 
can happen.

Wether they play under the name of King Crimson or Project 2 or whatever , 
there is no
telling what they`ll do. I think they have earned the right to do this. 
The pact between
the ticketbuying audience and the performer does not apply with these ppl: 
By that I mean,
When Fripp performs you cannot demand that he`ll play "21 century 
scizoid..."  OR demand
that he plays with the sounds that you expect/like.  All you can demand is 
that he does his best. If Fripp wanted to play to that cheesy piano patch 
for 2 hours or the show didn`t
break new ground or whatever , I still don`t think there is any reason to 
complain. By doing things his own way for 3 decades and SURVIVING , I 
think he has the right to perform on his own terms. As for improvised 
music , the audience really has no right to say: "To my ears , Fripp 
played too many notes today, maybe he`s losing it?" If you got 10 minutes 
of great music then you should count yourself lucky. Its not often one get 
to WATCH great music beeing made. 

I wasn`t there when they played , there is a rather large ocean stopping 
me from attending most of the shows these guys play. Maybe I wouldn`t have 
liked it either (as some of you didn`t). But that happens sometimes. And 
Fripp has earned his right to jump off the cliff when he plays. Sometimes 
it may go wrong.  But if the show is not what you hoped 
for/wanted/expected I still think you are overreacting when you start 
questioning his artistic/creative judgement. As for questioning those 30 
years............lets not lose our heads here.

Yours ,  Thomas W

Quote:  "I`m working on becoming a guitarist in a suitcase"

-Fripp , after describing a simple, travel-friendly setup he`s checking 