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Re: Many questions answered

Frankly, I dont sample other peoples music. Theres way too many headaches
and I dont like spending the time and effort it takes to mask someone elses
moment into being mine when I could use that same energy to nail down my 
flow, ya know ??.
( Now thats not a condemnation of modern day sample folk. Its just a
personal preference in the way I choose to work these days)

It sorta bugs me when I think back to all the times I intentionally and
automatically did do dat stuff.

I am a musician and thse days less ashamed of being one. Im interested in
getting points across concisely and convincingly with no pretentions or
arrogance whatsovever.

I play Gtr  and Bass, Keyboard/Piano for close to 20 yrs now  ( Im 28 &
started young ) and I can read music.

To address your questions, typically, I sample myself ( gtr bass or other
presets from say other midi modules or whatever ( Birdsounds are the 
things to warp into fresh prests too ! ) & bounce around from my ASR's
internal sequencer and cakewalk while resampling and editing  adding
effects, eq, compression ( with great Care ) and cutting up either modal
&/or deeply contrasting relationships and stringing em together to make a
new piece. Its tedius but rerwarding.

I use Hammerhead as a baseline rythm ( I cant spell that word rythm for the
life of me )
record a few loops into Cool edit and save them as mono wav files in 44mhz
16 bit format then sample them clean into the ASR 10 in mono. I then add my
ASR 10 drum prests - kicks snares, hi-hats rarely ever use toms ( This is
all Stuff I got off the web for free - love that price tag ) in stereo, add
effects - reverbs,fistortion, stuttering delay, etc  then sequence loops
into CAkewalk HS. I resample the prototype sequence & go back and forth and
repeat the process with variations here and there but mostly if Im adding
other parts its always sparingly and always with the intention of leaving a
part that is played live and in real time.

I can record usually the whole thing into the ASR which becomes a quasi
standalone DAW w/ pretty decent editing capabilities and either save to 
ADAT or Hard Disk or even Cassete if called for and sometimes floppy.

Today Im limited on time and cant get that deep into the enitire process
right now but theres lots of other steps and tricks in between all the 
I mentioned.

Now I dont really know or even payed that much attention to what the rules
are for sampling even when I was stealling stuff left & right - explicitly
as spelled out in the rule of law Im really clueless and still uniterested
in what the rules are - cause I dont really have to worry about getting 
or found out by another artist. I know in the past ive only sampled either 
bar or 4 bars of something and nothing else and always strived to make it
say something more than what it was giving me on face value.