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Shameless ads?

This is a sick, sad ploy to suck you into my web site....but what the hey!!


now that I've gotten that out of the way, I've been experimenting with the
loopy possibilities of Cool Edit Pro...and mine seems a tiny bit noisy on
mixdown, when two or more tracks are combined....hmmm....curious, but I
haven't diddled with any of the filters yet. I may have missed an earlier
thread on this subject....anyone out there got any experience here they
wanna share?

BTW, all the respsonses I got about ambient loops were quite
interesting...keep it up, you ambient types......perhaps soon I may start
an ambient loop cd project now that I've got a burner....will keep you
posted.....if you are interested send me a private email with the subject
as AMBIENT COMP. Cheers!

DIY electronic music, Zineage, and more: