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Loopinh Ensembler

Matthew Hahn wrote:

<<With respect to drum 'n' bass and loop ensembles, I have a couple of
<<queries.  Namely, is drum 'n' bass a fad, or will there be a carryover
<<it's hectic drops?  Secondarily, if we have loop ensembles as you
<<we might, how will interaction between members take place?  Would
<<devices have to be more advanced, moreover integrated?  How?  Would
<<start working on networks, and when they got together to perform, on
<<mainframes? (;

My idea along these lines was that loopers would eventually have to face
the challenge of playing integrated loops "together" (If there aren't
any already out there, that is!)
It is a necessarily more complicated thing than playing a conventional
instrument, although I don't think it will be this way in the future.
It is a similar idea to playing samples of music, perhaps over quite a
long length, and "arranging them on the fly".
If you had a number of people doing this (for example, DJ's), then they
would be a "sampling ensemble".
This is why forefront electronic performance music, like drum 'n bass,
offers positives for these ideas. 

I think that it is already possible to do a looping ensemble already,
syncing echoplexes, say..
However I can see that the tools have a lot of room for improved design
in the future, as technology improves, not to mention the application.
I also think that the designs for more tactile looping "instruments"
exist out there (In the aether maybe), and are just waiting to be put
into reality by some hard working little designer people.