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JamMan questions

Hello All,

I, being new this list and Looping in general, am curious what the going
rate for a stocked (32 second) JamMan is (in US dollars).

Also, is it my best bet for general purpose, fairly cheap,
Play-a-line-or-two-and-jam-over-it-possibly-in-an-odd-meter kind of

The EchoPlex seems like possible overkill.

Any input is appreciated.

Peace ...         =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
      ======      = Randy Reichenbach          randy@cdac.com =
    //  ||  \\    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
   ||   ||   ||   = Physical Design Engineer (VLSI-CAD)       =
   ||  //\\  ||   = Cascade Design Automation                 =
    \\//__\\//    = 3650 131st Ave SE, Suite 650              =
     `------'     = Bellevue, Washington  98006               =
                  = Tel: 425.643.0200  Fax: 425.649.7600      =
... Get some!     =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=