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Re: It's no crisis- it's just you having fun...

sage advice-- I just picked up a sixer of Liberty Ale and a fifth of Sauza
Hornitos and am hunkering down in front of the rack till one of us is
looping . . .

drone on~~~~~~~~~Tom

At 10:00 AM 4/1/98 +0100, you wrote:
>1) get a little ambient if your normally stack guitar parts.  If are
normally ambients, try  stacking discrete lines/parts.
>2) put a melodic line that cycles in three over a loop in four.
>3) play an mbira style melody in triplets over a loop in four.
>4) randomly subtitute numbers in suggestions 2&3.
>5) try new harmonies (this alone is worth the cost of my admision)- chords
on top               of  chords, desending lines over asending lines.  Fool
around over pedal tones.
>6) make percussive tracks by clicking your pickups with your strings,
electric screwdrivers, vibrators, etc.
>7) lay down texture beds with electric screwdrivers, vibrators, electric
and manual lint removers.
>8) try looping with a bass if you are guitarist.  If you play keyboards,
see a therapist! ;-)
>9) sell it.
>and my favorite:
>10)  go to the store.  Buy two sixpacks of Guiness and a half gallon of
Wild Turkey 101 (is it just me, or does regular Kickin' Chicken taste like
paint thinner?).  If it is hot enought, you
>are alowed to substitute Tanqueray and tonics.  If you have glaucoma, 
some of your medication.
>Call your friend Bob, the Neil Young fan.  Invite him over. Tell him to
bring his guitar.
>Set you rig up outside if it is not raining.  At least open a window.  
the output of your JamMan into a tremelo pedal.
>Responsibly sample some of the aforementioned beverage.  Perhaps your eyes
are still hurting?
>Loop the verse of  either 'Down By the River' or 'Cowgirl in the Sand'.
>Turn the tremelo pedal on, and indulge yourself.
Tom Lambrecht  hideo@concentric.net