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Re: Echoperplexed No More (Oberheim Echoplex Purchase)

At 01:10 PM 4/1/98 -0700, baumhaus@earthlink.net wrote:
>Thanks for the various responses. I'm still waiting to find out how soon
>a unit will be available (nobody seems to have them in stock), and I
>found a pretty good price ($569.00 + $95.00 - thanks Marshall) but I
>have one more question: I plan to add the memory myself; a cursory look
>thru MacWarehouse turns up 80ns 4MB 30-pin standard SIMMS going for
>49.95; assuming these are the right ones, the upgrade should cost me
>around $150.00. Seems a little high. Anyone?

I see them for less than $20 all the time. Look around a little more. In
fact, I just did a quick search and found this place selling 4MB simms for
$10 each. That's $40 for 198 seconds! (for those keeping track, that's 5% 
what it cost to do this when the echoplex came out....)


Kim Flint                      408-752-9284
Mpact System Engineering       kflint@chromatic.com
Chromatic Research             http://www.chromatic.com