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Simulations and labor saving devices (was: Re: MIDI problems ???

> I didn't reply to your other mail on this subject 'cause
> I think we're off-topic, but while I'm here, I strongly
> disagree with your definition of "modern synthesis
> technology".  The two mail-order catalogs I have
> handy seem to have one or two "analog modelling"
> synths, and all the rest are sample-playback.
> Keyboard's NAMM report lists quite a few faux-analog
> synths, but I don't remember seeing any of the "hot
> synthesis techniques" you've listed (analog is hardly
> new, it's just the digital emulation of it that is).

I think the whole idea a digital synth trying to emulate an analog synth is
laughable.  It is not as if analog synths aren't easily and cheaply made.

Sean, are you comfortable playing with a keyboard?  Or do you like the feel
of how the guitar/midi thing controls it?  Those rare times I have felt the
need to record a synth sound (usually I just stack a few delay pedals,
distortion, and an ebow)  I just goofed around on a keyboard untill I could
play the part.

When I was an indentured servant at Sam Ass,  Vernon Reid (name dropping!)
came in and tried this new guitar midi converter out with me.  It uses
(used?) some kind of fuzzy logic sort of thing, and was supposed to be 
fast.  This was back in my Coleman/Coltrane days, with big wide intervals,
tritones, and (for me) lots o' speed.  [For those of you who are 
concerned, I
sought professional help, and I am feeling much better now].

Anyway, the damn thing sputtered and hiccupped, and generally made a mess 
things.  Funny thing was, Vernon (far better faster cooler- although much,
much shorter than me) had the think working pretty well.  I could never
figure it out.

I read in an interview with Andy Summers where he slagged the whole midi
thing.  He said something along the lines of 'If you want to sound like a
harmonica, learn to play a harmonica'.  I think that might be a bit close
minded, but It has always been easier for me to learn how to play the real
thing than its emulations.

I had a drum machine for about three years before I had regular access to a
drum kit-  in six months, I was twice as good at the real thing than on the
machine (except for the timing thing- oops!).

I still can't program the damned thing worth a fart, even now.
