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Re: just a casual reminder....

Mike Biffle wrote:

> >just a casual reminder....
> >...that this is LOOPER'S Delight, not Guitar Player's Delight.....
> >Now, some of you six-string wunderkinds may find this completely 
> >but a lot of people here don't even play guitar! I know it's hard to
> >believe, but it's true! Guess how interested they are in long 
> >about guitar playing that have no looping content whatsoever?

I though I ought to jump out here for old Mike's support here...

Not that this has ever happened, but if there was ever a thread that I 
thought was
interminably dull (inconceivable, but one must accept the remote 
possibility :-) , I
just delete the message.  I've thought about this, and while my gear 
geekery exceeds
that of all but a few of my friends, we all seem to be pretty much tied.  
In fact,
sometimes I feel like the Luddite of the group (tube amp, twenty-five year 
pedals, 30+ year old guitar, and a JamMan).  When the discussions of the 
software programs for sequencing, editing, time-stretching, etc come 
along, I just
erase them, after browsing through them.

Please don't take my pedal reviews away!

And I agree that this is the most stimulating list that I belong to, in 
many ways,
despite the fact that our musical tastes seem to differ.  What I like 
about the
discussions we have here is that most of us seem to be a group that 
challenges their
current aestetics.

Not to mention we seem to be an exceedingly funny bunch as well.
