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Re: Re: Spin-17

Hi dt
The show is tonight (Friday May 1st) at 9PM.  Here's the "info packet"
again for more ...

BTW, I just talked with Donald M and unfortunately Drumm can't make it
because of transportation problems.  Oh well, but the duo between Donald
and Taku should reveal its own certain "beauties".

Dear Friends and Fellow Fans of Experimental Music
Just a moment of your time to let you know..

T H I S    F R I D A Y   , M A Y   1 st (T O M O R R O W) * * * * *
9PM at ABC No Rio  (156 Rivington St, (212) 254- 3697 )
(formerly NC-17)
with guests Donald Miller/Kevin Drumm/Taku Sugimoto (3 Guys with Guitars)

We've finally finished our new CD and we're going to have a
Music, food and refreshments will be provided!
Donald Miller will be bringing in 2 guitarists from Chicago and Tokyo to
help us celebrate!
Here's the details:

Spin-17 is:
Ed Chang on :       Electronics / Alto sax / Guitar / Turntable
Motoko Shimizu on : Voice / Turntable / Toys / Bridge-Guitar

We'll be performing a couple of our most popular "pieces" from the past
including John Cage's "Aria" w. Compos'T and "The Noise Song", as well as a
plethora of new pieces, charting territories barely chartable.  Electronics
and Acoustics clash and congeal in seas of  improvisational bliss.
Infinite soundscapes, skreech and skronk, an ode to exercise, it's all new!
Also, the premiere of the Bridge-Guitar, a new invention with old tools!
No one knows exactly how to play it, so I guess we're as qualified as the
next guy.  In any case, fun will be had by all!

Joining us for this night of electro-alcoholic debauchery will be Donald
Miller's "3 Guys With Guitars"
Donald Miller  (from Borbetomagus, William Hooker, Lhasa Cement
     There's no one quite like him, a guitar aesthetic unique to his own
Kevin Drumm    (from Chicago, solo CD recently released)
     All I know is eveybody's talking about this guy as the newest, hottest
prepared guitar slinger to hit the scene.  Totally original.  Jim O'Rourke
stopped playing guitar for 2 years because of this guy.
Taku Sugimoto  (from Tokyo, Japan)
     This guy's got a new CD on Hat Art and plays cello as well.

These 3 master improvisors will be meeting for the first time for this
show.  No one knows what's going to happen.  We're totally excited by this
performance!  Please join us for this celebration of creative new music!

T H I S   F R I D A Y   , M A Y   1 st            (T O M O R R O W)
9PM sharp at ABC No Rio  (156 Rivington St,
between Clinton and Suffolk, 2 blocks south of Houston
(212) 254- 3697 )
$5 for the whole shebang

Texture444 <Texture444@aol.com> on 05/01/98 09:30:35 AM

Please respond to Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com

To:   Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
cc:    (bcc: Edward Chang/AMS/AMSINC)
Subject:  Re:  Re: Spin-17

ed, et al:
oops, sorry: lost the thread.
so what's the date of this performance @ rio?