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just walked home from seeing project 2 (now billed as a k c
project).........more on this later............just read the last 17 posts 
the list............don't know what to talk about
project 2.........observations:
1) im glad to see that there are others who do not use keys to play
in............that seems to give one a lot of freedom
2) very little loop content.........some big string washes that looped for 
bit.......most loopage done by belew on the drums
3) these 3 fellows had a ton-o-fun playing together, much smileing and
laughing by all three
4) technology run amuck..............but please let me wallow :)
5) whatever gunn was playing, i want one........what an axe!!!!
6) tornadoes past through here yesterday.........i enjoyed these guys more
regarding the last bunch of postings...........observations:
A) im pretty brain-dead myself, but i think i could get off this list 
bothering people
B) the more postings the better.........ya gots to love the over-load

forgive my ramblings.................................michael