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Re: This looper list

>I've been on this list for a bout 2 weeks not and I hate to admit it, 
but =
>I have no idea what you guys are talking about most of the time.  I =
>subscribed thinking this was a list about looping techniques, which I =
>guess it is, but it seems like most people are using more experimental 
>ways of making  loop based music.   Me, I've got a sampler and use Pro 
>Tools extensivly for drum&bass-ish type music, never used a reel to 
reel =
>tape or some strange looping device that people seem to be speaking of 
on =
>this list.   Am I on the wrong list?  Anyone else out there doin' what 
>I'm doin'?
>just wondering...
>Have a happy day,
y'know, I agree with you. I make music using looped drum beats, bass 
lines & FX and whatever. I use samples & synths and whatever. I kind of 
expected people to be talking about FX boxes or samples they have lifted 
or problems of timing or software they think is cool. I keep thinking 
maybe I should quit this list but then there are some interesting and 
knowledgable posts every so often.

have a good day yerself


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