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Re: web music

Look for the real audio converter at www.real.com
The quality level can be set according to the compression level. I use eal
Audio on my pages because it allows the sound clips to be longer. You also
have the option of making it 'straming' with no download time, or
downloading the whole file and listening to it.
You can hear my real audio examples at:

These were converted right off of the CD...in mono...the sound sometimes 
be like an AM radio, but also can be suprisingly good. Real Audio is the
best, fastest way to get the music up there for people to hear it.
Dave Eichenberger
'Future Perfect' - art music - visit our website at:

>>Since I'm going to set up my WWW pages (time permitting) I'd like to know
>>what's the best method to put audio on the net.
>>I' m thinking mostly to real audio... any experience to share?
>>Where do you find the .wav to .ra (.ram??? what's the difference?)
>>How much is the quality loss?
>>Any info is welcome.