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RE: Echoplex memory mess... (???)

I'm not saying what the issue was, bad memory or otherwise, I just know 
my EDP was not in great working condition. I noticed the problem started
after I installed the new memory, then when I switched back, I still had
problems. It could have been a cold solder made worse by flexing the board
when I installed the new memory, I don't know ...

I'm not going to make any judgements until I hear back from Oberheim. My
only complaint is that I've been without my EDP for over month now, which 
not Oberheim's fault. I mistakenly took it to a "qualified service center"
when I should have shipped it directly to Oberheim to begin with. I have an
e-mail in Mike Ayers and I should hear back soon.

Some typical problems I saw ... when I hit overdub, the EDP would
sporadically switch into multiply mode on it's own, then it would hang.
Sometimes I couldn't get the EDP out of overdub without hitting the switch
several times. Sometimes the screen would turn into giberish after letting 
loop run for a few minutes.

On Kim's advice, I took the EDP in for service and hope to get back a 100%
working EDP. I also sent the suspect memory along with the EDP to see if
that was possibly the issue. I hope to get it back soon ...

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Bret [mailto:echoplex@yahoo.com]
>>Sent: Monday, August 10, 1998 10:19 PM
>>To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>>Subject: Re: RE(2): Echoplex memory mess...
>>If the unit works as you say ("the unit worked fine with the supplied
>>50secs of memory"), fine with one set of simms, and not another then
>>the simms are to be suspected, not the EDP.  I have a wide variety of
>>mixed used simms in my 2 EDPs, no issues.
>>Defective or damaged ram is not an uncommon problem (I am in volume
>>manufacturing of storage devices) .  There is nothing to sort out,
>>since the EDP works fine with the 50 sec of memory.  The EDP works,
>>the new Simms don't.
>>Claude Lassonde <classonde@psbgm.qc.ca> wrote:
>>> What a mess... The service people at the company should post
>>comments over
>>> here to sort things out... Any Gibson-Oberheim-Echoplex tech around?
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: Douglas Lawrence [mailto:douglas-lawrence@home.com]
>>> > Sent: dimanche, aožt 09, 1998 01:44
>>> > To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>>> > Subject: RE: Echoplex memory
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > My Echoplex is now back at Oberheim being checked out for the
>>> > same reasons.
>>> > I haven't heard back from them what the problem was.