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RE: Boomerang/EDP different layout

> These devices are designed for recording audio and giving
> you easy ways to loop it and manipulate how and when it is played back.
        I view some of the things being discussed as ways to manipulate the
audio . . . 

> That's what it's purpose is. It wasn't designed to create weird
> noises itself, which is why it doesn't. It's job is to record them and
> reproduce them and give you ways to manipulate them in time, not impart
> any
> character of its own.
        Philosophically speaking, I feel that one could make a case that 
fact that there are looping devices can be directly attributable to that
fact that people "abused" a Revox tape recorder or an old Echoplex tape
delay way back in the day. If people didn't "abuse" tape machines, it's 
possible that we wouldn't have chorus/flange/backwards tape sounds, etc.

        This is not meant as a dis, you guys obviously have made a great
machine . . . this whole thread seems to be from the standpoint of "what 
. . . things that some people feel would make the EDP more usable in their
universe . . . the fact that they're even discussing it seems to me to be a
tribute to the fact that the EDP is good device and that they respect you
guys, and what you've and are capable of doing. But people always want
things to fit their universes . . .

> There are often ways to abuse the features and get these loop devices to
> make interesting sound effects, but those are typically secondary 
        fuzz boxes weren't "meant" to make feedback, but it sure is fun 
they do . . . 

> Just because you could add
> something, doesn't always mean that you should! 

> You might just end up with
> confused, tasteless mush.
        One humanoid's confused tasteless mush might be another's perfectly
made French Fries . . . :-)
