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Re: Multiple loops on the EDP

At 1:50 AM -0700 8/12/98, Andreas Willers wrote:
>ostinatos. So it's great that you can sync two Echoplexes. BTW, you
>probably can't sync two different units, say a Jamman & an EDP?

you should be able to with midi clock, since they both sync to that.

>All the basic digi delays have/had the speed/octave switching capability
>that seems to be lost with some more advanced units like the tc 2290 and
>the EDP. Can You briefly explain how or why this doesn't work?

Old A/D and D/A convertors made this easy, since they just took any clock
input and happily sampled at that rate. If you generated the clock with a
VCO, you could vary it, which would change the sample rate, and
correspondingly the delay time, pitch, etc. Since the audio quality of
these parts sucked anyway, nobody cared about things like clock jitter.

In order to improve the quality of digital audio parts, manufacturers of
ADC/DACs changed this, using built in crystal oscillators and PLL's and
different types of sampling technology. So by improving audio quality, you
lose the ability to cheaply vary the sample rate all over the place. The
parts don't do it.

In order to duplicate the effect, you have to do a fair amount of DSP for
sample rate conversion filters to create the effect digitally, which
requires much more processing than was needed before.

The other thing, a simple delay is only doing one thing, so nothing else is
affected by changing the sample rate. With something like the echoplex, we
would have to worry about what happens to midi sync, brother sync, the
display, multiple loops, copies,  memory bandwidths, control response, etc.
So now it takes a lot of processing, extra software, and careful feature
design to reproduce something that was available almost by accident 20
years ago.

So on one hand, this sort of thing was just way beyond the scope of the
mid-priced technology we designed in the echoplex. The other thing was, we
(Matthias, mostly) were never trying to recreate some ancient digital
delay, we were doing something rather new and different. So this sort of
thing wasn't really considered for the feature set. Instead, you get things
like Multiply (which is a brilliant invention of Matthias') and BrotherSync
and Undo, easy recording, midi...etc.

If it were easy to add, the story might have been different. (as was the
case with the reverse and replace functions.)


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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