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MIDI question

I'm learning the rudiments of MIDI programming (very quickly!); I've
decided I might try to build (or at least, plan) a basic JamMan
footcontroller over the weekend.

My question is this -  

The book I have says that a Program change message is 2 bytes; a status
byte and a data byte.  The first status nibble is 1100 (Prog. Change),
second is the channel (0001 in the case of the JamMan), and the data byte
is the target program (I guess0000 0001) with a 0 at the to start and 1 to
terminate.  So am I right in thinking "change program to no. 1 on channel
1" reads as

        01100 00011 00000 00011

and change to program 2 reads 

        01101 00011 00000 00101


This then gets transmitted little-ended, so the receiver sees

        10100 00000 11000 10110


Further, MIDI 1.0 spec. defines 0 as voltage high and 1 as voltage low
(???),  contrary to the way I've always thought of it.... does that mean
that the line is transmitting 1's when it's not sending anything?

But anyway, I figure this is basically what gets sent at 31.25kHz... is
that about right?

Thanks all,


Dr Michael Pycraft Hughes, University of Glasgow, Glasgow UK G12 8QQ 
     "What can be done with fewer assumptions is done in vain 
with more" - William of Occam (1285-1347) (now called Occam's Razor)
   www.elec.gla.ac.uk/~pycraft             pycraft@elec.gla.ac.uk