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Re: musique concrete

You're right michael, those are (as usually is the case with the Wire)
excellent articles. BTW, I was wondering if you or any of the other
Koelner's on this list know or have had heard of Pluramon (article in
the July issue of Wire) from Cologne. His most recent CD 'Render
Bandits' on mille plateaux is quite exquisite and features Jaki
Liebezeit on drums playing some of his grooviest stuff in years.
Pluramon also makes extensive use of looping guitars and percussion etc.
It's really some of best stuff I've heard in a while ...

Bye 4 now,

Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com schrieb:
> for those people interested in the history of looping: my little looping
> history article on the website mentions musique concrete very briefly. A 
> nice extensive article about this topic can be found in the August issue 
> WIRE (not Wired).
> One other thing I found in the same magazine is that there are tape 
>loops on
> Herbie Hancock's 1973 album SEXTANT (reissued on Sony recently) - the 
> contained sound generated by a device called Random Resonator which was
> developed by a certain Tom Oberheim ... anyone know this guy?
> *       michael peters          mpeters@csi.com
> *       "escape veloopity"      electronic guitar loop music
> *       http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Mpeters