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At 7:42 AM -0700 8/27/98, Stephen P. Goodman wrote:
>Kim Flint [mailto:kflint@annihilist.com] attempted:
>> So far, all I've gotten from you boils
>> down to "I don't
>> like it, so it's bad." ... as to why Negativland's (and my)
>> interpretation
>> of the copyright laws is incorrect, and proving your point
>> that sampling is
>> theft. Up to it?
>Not having gotten emotionally involved in this diatribe, I still clearly 
>one of the original premises, which was that Negativland and their ilk
>should get away with what they define as their free use of material 
>by others.  Never have I said that I didn't Like anything; Law should have
>less to do with taste, I'd suspect.
>And what I said was this:
>Sampling Without Permission Of The Original Artist (Or The Owner Of A 
>Is Theft.

Stephen, this is your OPINION. That's not the same as a fact, and not the
same as a law. If you want it to be a fact, you need to provide actual
supporting evidence that it is true. As far as I can tell, the law and your
opinion do not agree, there is quite a lot of evidence showing that that is
the case, and you still have not provided any proof otherwise. If you are
not planning to bother with proving your points, then you need to learn to
say "this is my opinion."  Otherwise, you rant a lot and convince nobody of

Reminds me of the time I was of the OPINION that driving 3 feet behind the
guy in front of me who was only going 70mph in the fast lane was a
perfectly acceptable thing to do, and a fine way to make him go faster or
move out of my way. Seemed a safer alternative to crossing 3 lanes to the
right to go around him to resume my previous speed of 90mph. The highway
patrol officer didn't agree with my viewpoint. He pointed out how the LAW
and my OPINION were not in agreement and that the law was not likely to
lose the debate. Not suprisingly, I had some trouble finding any way to
prove my case. So I went to traffic school, where I learned that I should
check my mirror more often. :-)


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com