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Re: new LP of Loops

In a message dated 9/20/98 10:32:16 PM Central Daylight Time,
dmgraph@pulsewidth.com writes:

 Ron is a nice guy and I don't mean to put him down, but someone provides
 the content for these silly projects, while somebody else sells a few
 thousand at something like five bucks a pop.  The former receives two
 lovely copies of said item.
 Sorry to be spiteful.  I haven't even thought of this little thing for
 years.  But isn't there something wrong here?  Musicians, are you valuing
 yourselves enough?  Shouldn't you get *something*, for chrissakes?


did you make a deal with Ron for points or money or more in return for your
musical contribution than 2 copies, and he didn't follow through? Or has 
*silly project* just had more legs under it than you thought, and now you 
kicking yourself in the pants that you didn't make a better deal? 

Everything's a crapshoot. Sometimes the ones who get paid are the ones who 
the gruntwork, not the ones who put up 2 seconds of sound. 

- Crossedout@aol.com