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Re: just guitar

Hello K LAW,
If you're interested in just intonation with a fretless guitar. I'm the man
that can help you. First off...have you got Harry Partch's book "Genesis of
a Music"? It's a great book that can help you in many ways. I also have a
paper written by Brian McLaren about how to get into the partch stuff
easier. Check for stuff on the Web about LaMonte Young. He's an amazing
MICROTONALIST who's working with sine tone generators to create music in
Just for a sound instillation in New York. The two guys on my website are
very into microtonality. Check it out.
I can send you some papers about ratios and how to apply it to guitar if
you'd like.
Jeff Collins
PS. Bobdog is putting a stainless steel board on his guitars and he's going
to be doing the same to my guitar when he's done with his.
You can also get ahold of a guy in New York who does refretting and
fretless-izing of guitars. His name is Larry. And his # is 1-516-520-0664.
He's doing work with Jon Catler on a new grouping of Just Intonated 

-----Original Message-----
From: klaw@iglou.com <klaw@iglou.com>
To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com <Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com>
Date: Sunday, September 20, 1998 11:03 PM
Subject: just guitar

>Hello anyone here currently working in  just intonation on guitar.Im about
>to  convert a strat to  fretless for this purpose.Please email me directly
>with any tips, expierences etc.  Thanks as always K LAW