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Re: Recordings

>I guess that our recent debate about the legalities of sampling took the
>wind out of the list.
>So, since there have been very few posts to LD, what recordings can 
My recent faves have been, in no particular order:

DJ Spooky: Riddim Warfare - Finally, his second "official" full length,
after various samplers, remixes and limited-release art projects. Much more
hip hop and less ambient than "Songs of a Dead Dreamer", with occaisional
raps by Kool Keith and Sir Menelik. A very good hip hop record, perhaps
equal to PE's "Fear of a Black Planet". He's playing nearby in a few weeks,
and I'll be there.

Shudder To Think: the soundtrack to High Art - the guitarist I play with is
a huge STT fan, and I've always liked their stuff that he's played for me.
This record is pretty surprising: dark, ambient guitar and vocal washes,
some morricone-esquetrip-hop, and a couple of low key pop tunes. It's a
really effective record, and made me want to see the film, which is also
quite good.

Henry Kaiser/Waddada Leo Smith: Yo, Miles - No looping here, just a very
solid collection of '70's electric Miles Davis tunes, particularly from the
more guitar-driven Jack Johnson through Pangea period. Kaiser and Nels
Cline on guitar, Smith on trumpet, the ROVA sax quartet, Michael Manring on
bass, and many others. This period of Mile's music is an enormous influence
on me, some of the first improvised music I ever heard, and I didn't have
very high expectations of this record living up to the originals, and, to
it's benefir, it doesn't really try, it just uses the tunes as blowing
vehicles, and sounds great.

Hamster Theatre: Siege on Hamburger City - Probably the most obscure thing
here. Dave Willey is an old acquaintance of mine I first met about 18 years
ago when he had just graduated from high school, he was a phenomenal
keyboardist and guitarist then. I kind of lost track of him after he moved
to Boulder Colorado. A mutual friend sent me this, the new CD from his
current band. Very cool stuff. Dave plays mostly accordian here and wrotes
most of the material. It's kind of like a cross between some of Fred
Frith's more avant takes on Eastern European folk musics, Bulgarian wedding
music, and an almost Naked City-esque precision. Incredible fun stuff. All
the more amazing, this CD was recorded live> Contact info: Hamster Theatre,
35047 Boulder Canyon Drive, Boulder, CO 80302, dhamster@hotmail.com

Dave Trenkel : improv@peak.org  : www.peak.org/~improv/

"...there will come a day when you won't have to use
gasoline. You'd simply take a cassette and put it in
your car, let it run. You'd have to have the proper
type of music. Like you take two sticks, put 'em
together, make fire. You take some notes and rub 'em
together - dum, dum, dum, dum - fire, cosmic fire."
                                            -Sun Ra