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Re: Jim's no loop content


Well welcome.

I must say that it is pretty wild seeing your reading list, as it is 
stuff that I have been reading over the past year or so.
Are you Orthodox or a russophile?



>My current reading list is:
>for fun(?!):
>Brothers Karamazov - Fedor Dostoevsky
>Blessed Paisius Velichkovsky; The Man Behind the Philokalia - 
>Metrophanes; Fr Seraphim Rose, trans.
>St. Silouan the Athonite - Archmandite Sophrony
>Diary of a Russan Priest - Fr. Alexander Elchaninov
>Unseen Warfare -  Lorenzo Scupoli; St. Theophan the Recluse.
>My Life in Christ - St. John of Kronstadt
>On the lighter side:
>Dark Genesis : The Birth of the Psi Corps - J. Gregory Keyes
>If you like Babylon5, you've got to read this one, it's a double wham.
>For work:
>Java Threads - Oaks & Wong
>JFC Programming - Weiner & Asbury
>   not recommended, not very much detail, already out of date, of 
>UML Distilled - Fowler & Scott

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