Hello again, We added new URL for Real Video live! It just Today!! Please visit to: http://www2.kobedenshi.ac.jp/~gakusai/index_.html and http://www.kobedenshi.ac.jp The streaming time is AM 9:30 to PM 5:00 31th Oct. (It is Japanese Standerd time. GMT is AM1:30 to AM9:00 31th Oct.) Best Regards Sunao Inami Work E-mail webmaster@cavestudio.com URL"CAVE Studio" http://www.cavestudio.com tel&fax +81 794 89 5025 Hyogo,Japan Home E-mail cave@osk.3web.ne.jp URL"cave home" http://www.threeweb.ad.jp/~cave/ tel&fax +81 794 89 5015 Hyogo,Japan snail mail address 316 Ohshima Kuchiyokawa Miki City Hyogo Japan 6730755