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Re: Buying the Looper CD from the Loopers-Delight Web-site?

At 06:42 PM 12/8/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Does it make sence to create a page on the Loopers site so people can 
>the CD over the web?

uh, you can order it over the web! (you should know that!) It's available
through Marathon Records, who is handling all ordering, shipping, etc. The
page on their site for the CD is here:


and the page where you order is here:


they say they take visa, mastercard, american express, and discover.

And yes, there is even a link from the main Looper's Delight site. 
I still need to add something like "BUY IT NOW!!!" to the wording :-)

so now you have no excuse!

Kim Flint, MTS                     kflint@chromatic.com
Chromatic Research                 408-752-9284