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Re: Multiple Loops question

Forwarded message:
> >Subject: Multiple Loops question
> >
> >Which -- if any -- of these boxes will let you play multiple loops
> >simultaneously?  I don't mean layering on one loop and then clicking
> >to a parallel, but unrelated loop for another section.  I mean having
> >loops 1 - 2 - 3 - 4... running simultaneously in parallel, and being
> >able to turn off #2 for a couple passes, then bring it back in and 
> >turn off #4, etc.  You know, like an 8-track mixer with track mute
> >buttons, or like a sampler where you can trigger multiple samples 
> >while others are playing.
> I've wondering about this as well - my dream looper would be all of the 
> above w/ pitch modulation, the ability to save the loops to a SCSI 
> device,  Full MIDi support and onboard FX ('verb at least). It Doesn't 
> seem like it's too much to ask for but until I get an advanced E.E. 
> degree  I'll be  hoping that my EDP &  sampler (an ASR10) will have 
> puppies one night...
> jmw
So I gather that none of the current boxes do this?  I had thought that
the Echoplex would have been the one that might have his feature, given
the big ticket price and the fact that it has the perfect foot controller 
for it (unlike the old JamMan).

I can't believe this would be all that hard to do.

----------------------- Tear Along Dotted Line -----------------------
John Neilson                                             www.mixup.com 
jneil@mixup.com                                  "a site for sore ears"