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EDP - MIDI reset?

and a happy new year to everyone.

Happy to report that my (beloved) wife bought me a Digitech
Control 8 MIDI floor controller for Christmas, which I'm now
using for my Echoplex. However, the CCs from the Digitech
latch and I'm using <RecordMode=Sustain> to avoid having to 
use an awkward double tap. This in turn means that I've lost
the long tap reset function of the EDP. Although the manual 
tells me to expect this I still wonder if some crafty looper
has figured another way to reset the EDP (I actually managed
this whilst figuring out the Control8 but damned if I know what
I push or if I can reproduce it). 

Jim Carter

ps While the Control8 only has 5 CC sends (Rec/Odub/Mult/Ins/Mut)
the expression pedal can be very quickly assigned to Undo/Fback/Vol

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e-mail jim.carter@bris.ac.uk