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Re: Just bought an EDP...

Hi Clifford,
I just ordered my EDP today also.  The David Torn interview did it for me 
too (plus the fact that I've been a huge fan for years)!  Anyway, I 
ordered mine from Alto Music, somewhere in NY state.  I have Kim Flint of 
this list to thank for recommending them.  I paid $660 for BOTH the EDP 
AND the foot contoller, which is the best price I've found anywhere.  They 
have 20 EDP's on order, and they're expecting them to arrive this coming 
Monday -- or so I was told.  If you're interested, their number is 
914-692-6922.  Ask for John.  And Kim, if you're reading this, thanks 

Now, I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me what SIMMs are, 
and how easy or difficult they are to install for someone who knows very 
little about that sort of thing.

Steve Delgado

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:21:13   Clifford Novey wrote:
>Hello, I just ordered an EDP from Sam Ash in Los Angeles and am
>concerned to find out if I have paid too much or if the price was a good
>one- I paid $636.36 for the unit and $108.04 for the foot controller- I
>also picked up 2 of the 4mb SIMMs for $40, all prices plus tax.
>Does anyone know if this is reasonable? I think it probably is but I saw
>how some of the folks here at LD did a bulk order and got great deals-
>I have 30 days to find a better price so if anyone has info please let
>me know.
>I was also trying to find out if the unit has room for 2 or 4 SIMM
>modules. I bought 2 thinking it came loaded with 2 but I am not sure...
>I am looking forward to interacting with everyone more ONCE I GET THE
>THING!!!! hehe- It has not arrived yet but I am very excited indeed-
>reading the article on David Torn in the recent Guitar Shop really
>sealed the deal.
>Can loops be saved on the EDP?? If not, how have some of you decided to
>"save" your work?
>Hopefully Looping SOON...
>Clifford Novey

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