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EMS Help May be OT for some of you.

Hi All,

    I am very sorry for crossposting this, but I consider these
essential places with people with similar concerns. and decent folks for
the most part.

    Aside from having a Mellotron soon to go to the shop and needing
help on building a Moog VCA and a KS clone I have a real problem.

    My EMS Synthi aks KS keyboard is not functioning properly.  I get
low note and then another note an octave or so higher on every pressure
point above.  I know how to use it so please no brush offs. . The
sequencer functions but there is nothing to store but two notes.  I
needed this unit for a project  I know that practical applications of
this part of that synth is rare.  Rare day today !

    Robin Wood has told me there are no sanctioned US support centers
and these things are not made anymore, they are rare and precious.

    I have talked to prolific posters an all of these lists and know
that there are many of you who have and use and need these machines. Who
can I trust to fix this without sending it to the UK for 26 weeks.

    If any of you, lurkers and posters can help pleasecontact me.


G. Wong  (Fiveman)