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Re: EMS Help May be OT for some of you.

Yo Fiveman,

> My EMS Synthi aks KS keyboard is not functioning properly.  I get
> low note and then another note an octave or so higher on every pressure
> point above.  I know how to use it so please no brush offs. . The
> sequencer functions but there is nothing to store but two notes.  I
> needed this unit for a project  I know that practical applications of

Try Rich Marshall at mailto:arcsound@ix.netcom.com for general analog
synth repairs.  Perhaps he can help you.

Bill    home: billfox@fast.net  work: BillFox@lucent.com
Host of Emusic, an electronic, ambient, and space music show.  Thursdays at
11pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and
Phillipsburg.  Email me if you wish to submit music for airplay 
My radio show:  http://wdiyfm.org
My band site:   http://www.crosswinds.net/allentown/~shadowplay