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Re: Teo Macero "Modulations" Interview online

Dave Trenkel wrote:
> Kriist@aol.com writes:
> >I have no idea who this Teo guy is but after reading a few comments on 
> >interview(which i havent read as well) i figured i should throw in my 

I just joined this list, so I don't know whether this was already 

Macero's production work with Miles is well worth checking out--his editing
and post-production effects attracted considerable negative attention from 
late '60's and early '70's jazz press and from the jazz musicians of that
period. Both Miles and Macero were very interested in Stockhausen, Partch, 
Cage at the time, but even those jazz people who had rightfully considered
jazz to historically have been at the forefront of the avant garde were
offended by what they saw as the "artifice" of tape manipulation, thus 
the latent conservatism of thought regarding the "traditional" elements of
jazz: i.e, the authenticity of the "live" performance. Of course, we can 
that it was hypocritical of the jazzers to descry the elevation of the
engineer/producer and the "artifice" of manipulation while accepting the
disembodied/time-traveling aspect of sound recording as being somehow more
"natural." Gotta go.