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EMUSIC Playlist

                        Playlist for "EMUSIC"

"Emusic," an electronic, ambient, and space music show, airs each Thursday
at 11pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA and 93.9 FM in
Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ.  http://wdiyfm.org/schedule/s_emusic.html

                Show #100               February 4, 1999.
                Host: Bill Fox          http://wdiyfm.org

On this show, I began a month-long focus on early synth master, Larry
Fast and his Synergy releases.  For background information, please point
your web browser to the WDIY web site or visit the...

Synergy web site:               http://www.eclipse.net/~synergy
See also the NEARFest site:     http://ghostland.com/nearfest

The feature CD at midnight was "Electronic Realizations for Rock
Orchestra" on Third Contact.

ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
======================= ======================== 
11:00 pm
VA [Air Sculpture]      Sargasso Sea             GoldTri: Volume One 
VA [Intelligentsia]     Micro-Chip Pop           GoldTri: Volume Two 
MinistryOfInsideThings  (The last track ++)      Live at the ICA 
James Johnson           Return                   Unity (Zero Music)
Steve Roach & Vir Unis  Bloodstreaming           Body Electric (Projekt)
Ian Boddy               Shades of Dorian         Untitled CDR from Ian 
VA [Jeff Pearce]        From the Quiet Hours     The Ambient Eclipse 

12:00 am
Synergy (Larry Fast)    Legacy               
Synergy (Larry Fast)    SlaughterOn10thSt    
Synergy (Larry Fast)    Synergy              
Synergy (Larry Fast)    Relay Breakdown      
Synergy (Larry Fast)    Warriors             
Deep Space Network      The Beyond Within        Big Rooms (Instinct 
Spacecraft              Galileo                  Hummel (Lektronic 

1:00 am

++ = I forgot to not the track's title in my log!
 * = exerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)

On the next EMUSIC, I will continue the month-long focus on that
synergistic composer, Larry Fast and his Synergy (R) releases.  The
feature CD at midnight will be "Games" on Third Contact.

Please visit the WDIY web site and navigate through the schedule to the
EMUSIC pages.  Playlists for every show are there.  Hot links to artists
and labels can be found in the monthly focus section.