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Re: dtorn (What Means 'Solid,' Traveller? availability)

At 11:35 PM 2/6/99 -0500, chris wrote:
>Does anyone out there have the torn cd - What Means Solid, Traveller? or
>any live footage of DT?  If so, I'll either buy or trade for a recorded 
>of this stuff via snail mail.  

What Means 'Solid,' Traveller? is easily available through The Artist Shop
as is the rest of Torn's output on CMP.  In fact, we have the entire CMP
catalog at <http://www.artist-shop.com/cmp> which includes Tripping Over
God, Polytown and other releases in which Torn played a significant role.

Since I get these CD's directly from the label, I rarely have trouble
getting them in.  Although sometimes there's a delay in restocking since 
label is overseas.


                          Gary Davis
The Artist Shop                              The Other Road
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