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Re: Re[2]: So where are we?

>>BTW: Regarding Klein guitars... I've had the opportunity to play one and
>>right. Once your body holds one, it's hard to forget the ease of position
>>playability of them. I keep looking at those Klein pictures at their site
>>and I
>>can just feel my credit cards twitching in my back pocket!
>They've got you now!  although, I don't think Lorenzo takes credit cards.

just give in.  resistance is futile.


=                                                                   =
=         M  a  r   k      C  h  r  i  s  t  e  n  s  e  n          =
=     Cramped Quarters Studio / Jasperpottamus Music Publishing     =
=                  internet: murkie@middlebury.edu                  =
=          http://www.middlebury.edu/~mchriste/murkie.html          =
=                                                                   =